What Was The Last Movie You Saw?

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What Was The Last Movie You Saw?

Post by Devilina07 »

If you all don't mind, it seems like some of us are movie fans. If there is some large movie that is highly anticipated we should make it its own thread, but for that other smaller stuff that gets under the radar we can have this thread for discussions.

Tonight I saw 'Talladega Nights: Ballad Of Ricky Bobby.' I am not a huge fan of Will Ferrell except when he was on Saturday Night Live. I think his antics remind me a little too much of Robin Williams who I also don't really care for. I find that Ferrell usually does the same character movie after movie and has no real acting range.

That said, I found 'Talladega' to be surprisingly funny. Ferrell seemed to be channeling his version of George W. Bush during the movie kind of like his impersonations on SNL. The whole thing was a tongue-and-cheek take on the world of Nascar races as well as how some people are so obtuse in their way of thinking about other cultures or lifestyles. Bobby is very pro-American, which not a bad thing, is blind to the fact that other countries are proud of their contributions to the world. Sascha Baron Cohen is in the movie playing a French driver (he's a bit of a chameleon). At one point Bobby asks Cohen's character what the French have contributed to which Cohen's character, Girard, answers Democracy among other things. The whole movie is a bit satire, bit parody of America and our weird obsessions.

I sincerely didn't think going in that I would like the movie as much as I did. There are some funny scenes with a cougar, of Bobby thinking that he was crippled, and of Bobby's sons, Walker and Texas Ranger, losing their bratty ways. I'd recommend the movie if you can see past the fact that this is not a serious movie that is meant to make fun of the subject it is taking so seriously in the film.
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Post by LgEnf »

I would also add this - if you are a nascar fan the movie will have an even funnier (no this is not a word, but it works) appeal as the endorsement side of Nascar it truly made fun of in this film.

Staci and I caught this one last weekend and were entertained almost the entire flick. The later part of the middle drags on about 30 minutes, until the ending starts to pick up, but other than that, good entertainment from beginning to end.

On a side note, I have been going to Nascar races for 25 years now, and yes I am only 33, and I can attest to the commercialization of Nascar, and there is not a better movie to poke fun at that then this one was.
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Post by redrocket »

talladega was great, unlike devilina07, i am a huge ferrel fan, and personally although talladega was hilarious, anchorman still owns it.
nevertheless it is a great movie.

on another side note of endorsement and nascar and the movie, form my understanding there was so much endorsement almost all fo the movie was made off of the money from the products that were getting endorsed in the film, and that almost all of the money being made a thte box office is all profit, i dont know i foudn that oddly cool.

also the movie has given me a new respect for those florida panther liscence plates, i mean i know there panthers and not ocugars, but the pictrure on the plate looks like a cougar, and it cracks me up, and now i want one
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Post by BillTheCat »

I usually review any movie I see (thus, my forum rank), but I failed to write this one up.

I do not like Will Ferrell (sp?). As stated above, he pretty much plays one character all the time, and I am beyond tired of seeing him strip to his skivvies (or worse)- it's not funny any more.

Oh, and please... PLEASE... never compare Will Ferrell to Robin Williams. It's not even close. Williams comedy bits have gotten stale, but they were FAR funnier than anything Ferrell has ever done. And they have become redundant while he has continuously improved his dramatic skills.

I do not like NASCAR. Never have. Do not understand its enormous appeal. F1/Indy/WRC is so much more entertaining.

That being said, this movie did make me laugh, and I generally enjoyed it. Not going to go into a full blown review, but I'd give it 2 out of 4 spark plugs. For a Will Ferrell movie, that's HIGH praise from me.

See my review of "A Scanner Darkly," coming momentarily... it'll be a short read.
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Post by Devilina07 »

Last night I saw 'Brick.' It stars Joseph Gordon-Levitt, Lukas Haas, and Emilie de Ravin. This was not a big hit in the theaters so you all probably haven't heard much about it. It was a noire film with teenagers set inside and outside of a high school. Gordon-Levitt plays Brendan, a social outcast who is deeply in love with his ex-girlfriend, Emily, played by de Ravin (Claire on 'Lost'). The story focuses in upon Emily's death and Brendan's investigation of her murder. It would seem that Emily brokeup with Brendan only to fall prey to the "bad" crowd. There are many, many different characters in this film and you may find yourself having to pause and rewind a bit to catch up. I thought it was well done for being such a small movie with relative unknowns. There are no big draw names in this. The soundtrack is interesting and changes styles throughout. I liked the cinematography and thought it was wonderful. There were a few scenes that stood out among the rest (the high school football field full of birds, one shot of Haas that looks like that famous shot of Queen). The director, Rian Johnson, only has a few movies under his belt, but I wouldn't mind seeing more of his work.
Last edited by Devilina07 on Mon Aug 14, 2006 8:32 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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Post by BillTheCat »

Hey, Devil... seems like you have a great appreciation for movies. Feel free to go ahead & start new topics & do reviews. Especially when you want to alert folks to a less hyped film such as "Brick." More people will see it if you give it its own topic.

I use "Movie Pimp" and Moneypenny uses "Movie Diva." Pick yourself an handle (or don't) & go for it. Between the 3 of us, we should be able to review most of what people are wanting to see.

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Post by Devilina07 »

Well, I didn't know if I would be intruding on your turf by starting threads like yours and I really don't think that some people really care to have a thread specifically for something like 'Dear Frankie' or even 'Mrs. Henderson Presents.' I just watch a bunch of movies and like to report what I see.

Oh yeah, you can call me Dev for short or Mel. :)
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Post by BillTheCat »

This isn't anyone's turf, Mel. :lol:

And I've reviewed some films on here that I am fairly certain had never been & never will be viewed by anyone in SSM. You'll fit right in in this forum.
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Post by LgEnf »

Derailed with Jennifer Aniston, on DVD was a recent good one, Elizabethtown with Orlando Bloom was also good too! Gotta love home delivery of DVD's! :lol:
Jamie and Staci
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Post by Devilina07 »

Do you have Netflix, Blockbuster or something else?

I subscribe to Netflix and I have to say that I am impressed by their selection.
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Post by TReed »

We watched Final Destination 3 last night.
It started out slow and was boring and predictable compared to the first one. I wish we would have watched the version where we choose the outcomes, instead of the theatrical version. We might have made it better! :lol:

I haven't tried Netflix or Blockbuster, but we've been thinking about Vongo. Anyone have experience with them?
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Post by BillTheCat »

I don't use any of the DVD delivery services, simply because I never rent movies any more. But my neighbor has both Netflix & Blockbuster, and loves them. Of course, he also burns copies of all 6 DVD's he gets every few days. The man has a library of thousands of discs in color coded jewel cases (by category) that could probably rival a commercial rental place for overall selection.
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Post by minilisa »

I personally have not had much luck with rental DVDs (mail order or otherwise) because of the quality of the DVD by the time I get it... 80% of the time I don't get to finish the movie because of jumping or sticking or something. DVDs are cheap any more, I just buy them & watch them at my leisure. Rarely go out to the movies unless a special occasion warrants it.
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Post by Devilina07 »

BillTheCat wrote:I don't use any of the DVD delivery services, simply because I never rent movies any more. But my neighbor has both Netflix & Blockbuster, and loves them. Of course, he also burns copies of all 6 DVD's he gets every few days. The man has a library of thousands of discs in color coded jewel cases (by category) that could probably rival a commercial rental place for overall selection.
I would burn movies, except that I am the type of person that likes to have the original cover art, the inserts and all that other little stuff that makes owning DVDs so much fun. I'm the same way with cds. I might download a song but in the end I always end up buying the cd.

And I use Netflix because I moved here from Albuquerque, New Mexico just a few months ago and we didn't get a lot of the smaller, independent movies. Netflix gives me a chance to see some of the movies I missed.
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Post by TReed »

I agree with you on having the original DVD. The only one's I've thought about burning are some that my cleaners stole. Those bastards took about 20 of our movies and left the damn cases on the shelf, so we didn't find out until way after we had already fired them. :rant: And they were all chick flicks so I know it was them.

But since we got an iPod we've thought about simplifying everything, that's why I was curious about Vongo.
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Post by RHE »

'Everything is Illuminated' with Elijah Wood.

Great Sleeper movie. I think you folks will enjoy the characters. The blind driver, the growling seeing eye 'dog', the translator who learned English through a thesaurus... Wood seems play creepy roles, of late, but everyone I've talked to who watched it, loved it! **** ;)b
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Post by BillTheCat »

Devilina07 wrote:
BillTheCat wrote:I don't use any of the DVD delivery services, simply because I never rent movies any more. But my neighbor has both Netflix & Blockbuster, and loves them. Of course, he also burns copies of all 6 DVD's he gets every few days. The man has a library of thousands of discs in color coded jewel cases (by category) that could probably rival a commercial rental place for overall selection.
I would burn movies, except that I am the type of person that likes to have the original cover art, the inserts and all that other little stuff that makes owning DVDs so much fun. I'm the same way with cds. I might download a song but in the end I always end up buying the cd.

And I use Netflix because I moved here from Albuquerque, New Mexico just a few months ago and we didn't get a lot of the smaller, independent movies. Netflix gives me a chance to see some of the movies I missed.
Yeah, the reason I don't download "free" music or movies, or copy rented DVD's is that I figure that the artist has a right to make a buck off their work. And the only times I have borrowed copied DVD's were when I thought I would NEVER pay to buy or rent the film... and if I liked it, I would then go buy it. Same goes for CD's.

I also like to have the cover art, liner notes, booklets, etc. that come with the retail packaging.

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Post by Devilina07 »

Rayjitsu wrote:'Everything is Illuminated' with Elijah Wood.

Great Sleeper movie. I think you folks will enjoy the characters. The blind driver, the growling seeing eye 'dog', the translator who learned English through a thesaurus... Wood seems play creepy roles, of late, but everyone I've talked to who watched it, loved it! **** ;)b
I've really wanted to see that. I think I'll bump it up to the top of my Netflix queue. I also want to see his film about soccer.
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Post by Devilina07 »

Last night I went to see 'Little Miss Sunshine' which was a great movie. It was an emotional roller coaster because you sit through the film and you feel anger, sadness and joy. At the end I was laughing so hard that tears were streaming down my face. It was a great movie that seriously could be an Oscar contender as far as acting goes. The acting was great and so was the script. It's a very small film so the cinematography is a bit different from something big budgeted. But the story will or at least should leave you feeling great as you walk out the theater.
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Post by Devilina07 »

I went to see 'Running With Scissors.' I have yet to crack open my Augusten Burroughs book, but based on all the acclaim he's received from his memoirs, I thought that I would like this movie. At least I went in hoping that I would. The movie, although based on true events, seemed like it wanted to be a more bohemian, more eclectic, a more intellectual movie than 'The Royal Tennenbaums' but it fell short. It seemed preachy and pretentious all at the same time. Everything that took place seemed implausible and I lay blame with the actors actors and their line delivery. Perhaps if the acting had been better I might have liked this film more (I admit that Annette Benning did a really good job but I really disliked her character). The film also was full of 1970s songs which stopped and started abruptly and that made me lose my focus on the film. In short, I thought it was overly long at 122 minutes, the editing was choppy, the acting could have been much better, and I would have preferred to not have been beaten over the head with emotions that the film was trying desperately for me to feel. I will add that Patrick Wilson and Dagmara Dominczyk made very brief appearances.

I'd say your money is best spent elsewhere.
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