Recipient Stories

Fourth Annual run of this great charity event on March 12-13, 2011.

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Recipient Stories

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"All of the girls in our youngest cottage love the Clothing Closet, and what they love more than anything might surprise you. They LOVE getting brand new underwear and brand new socks. Every time they go to the Clothing Closet, they expectantly wait for Ms. Cheryl to give them at least one pair of new underwear and socks, or more if they need it. They get so excited!" Boys and Girls Country ( Hockley, TX)

"Here is what happened when we opened your box!!! 'Wow, boxers!!' Susan came to me all exited and said, 'You won't believe what's in that box!!! Boxers.' All of us were very surprised and thrilled because the men like boxers better than briefs!!

"Thank you so much for all you do for us and others. We could not help our homeless women and men look so good if it were not for your agency. God bless you."

Sister Carleen, St. Ann Place ( West Palm Beach, FL)

‎"I know how special this day is for the clients who have come out for a meal and new clothing. I'm proud to be helping my community." Volunteer at the Clara White Mission, where Dignity U Wear provided new clothes.- Clara White Mission (Jacksonville, FL)

Thanks to the donors to Dignity U Wear's Sock Project, we were able to distribute 8,490 socks to 31 Thanksgiving foot clincs around the county. Here is a thank you from the the Open Door Mission in Rochester, NY: What can be said about our shoe and sock distribution this past Monday night except, AWESOME! We were able to supply 93 homeless men and women with new shoes and socks.- Opend Door Mission (Rochester, NY)

On behalf of the Kids and Families we serve, the National Youth Advocate Program thanks you for the wonderful and desperately needed clothing you have provided. Your organization is giving the children in our community a feeling of normalcy and confidence; priceless gifts in the life of a child. - National Youth Advocate Program (Columbus, OH)

Thank you so much for the beautiful clothes! I couldn't have applied for the quality jobs without your help. You have given me the confidence to know I can apply for the best jobs (upper corporate management) for which I am qualified for and they will take me seriously. Because of you, the sky's the limit! Thanks forever, A - Dress for Success (Austin, TX)

I can't thank you enough for your recent clothing donation. People take clothing for granted until you don't have the correct clothing. Please know how much you've helped me and how much I appreciate it. I was offered a position as a banquet sever with Hospitality Staff through the Ready 4 Work program. Unfortunately due to my current financial situation I was unable to purchase my uniform which included a black tuxedo. My case manager informed me that they had a very close relationship with your organization, after a little research she informed me that Dignity U Wear was indeed able to donate the needed items. Thanks to Dignity U Wear and Ready 4 Work, my financial situation was unable to hinder me from gaining employment. I will pray that Dignity U Wear and similar programs continue to help individuals of all walks of life with clothing assistance. Thank you once again for your generous contribution. - Operation New Hope (Jacksonville, FL)
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