MINIs to Old Town
MINIs to Old Town
What is the schedule for the MINI cruise to Old Town on Friday night? 

Old Town Friday Night
The plan is to start lining up to drive to dinner around 7Pm. Dinner is at George & the Dragon. Old Town starts letting cars in at 5:00pm and their cruise starts at 9:00pm. You can check out their website at www.old-town.com
Re: Old Town Friday Night
Just making sure "oneofmini" this is the schedule for Friday night for the new MINIs?oneofmini wrote:The plan is to start lining up to drive to dinner around 7Pm. Dinner is at George & the Dragon. Old Town starts letting cars in at 5:00pm and their cruise starts at 9:00pm. You can check out their website at www.old-town.com